What is Influencer Marketing?

What is influencer marketing and is it worth all the hype?  

Most importantly, how can it help me? 

You may have come across terms like content creation, Insta-famous, and other buzzwords. Yet influencer marketing remains an untapped source of connection for rural and regional audiences.  

Influencer marketing is a hybrid of old and new marketing methods. Partnering the trusted recommendation of a friend or a celebrity endorsement, influencer marketing digitalises word of mouth advice into modern marketing campaigns.  

As people build their social media and industry profile, they develop a trusted voice and following whether online or in person. As people build their authority, knowledge, position in their industry, their audience builds trust and rapport with them. 

Influencer marketing sees social and industry leaders partner with brands to showcase their product or service to a specific audience. Whether through an online social media campaign or event attendance, influencer marketing relies on the trusted voice of the thought leader.  

With the rise of social media, everyday people not just celebrities have been able to build their authority on niche subjects and connect with people all over the world. There are many different formats for influencer marketing. Whether it is an Instagram campaign highlighting a specific product or a LinkedIn post by an industry thought leader, influencer marketing can help you reach connected and dedicated audiences.  

Influencer marketing is on the rise, according to the Influencer Hub’s 2022 statistics:  

– Influencer marketing has grown to $13.8 billion in 2021. 

– Businesses are making $5.78 ROI for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. 

– There has been a 465% increase in searches for the phrase “influencer marketing” on Google alone since 2016. 

– 90% of survey respondents believe influencer marketing to be an effective form of marketing. 

– 67% of brands use Instagram for influencer marketing. 

– 1360 Influencer marketing focused platforms and agencies entered the market in the last 5 years alone. 

Source: Influencer Hub 

If you’d like to find out more about how you can use influencer marketing to reach new audiences or if you have an industry profile looking to maximise your influence, get in touch with us today.  

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